(215) 309-1822
Food delivery

Individualized Nutrition

Our meals are specifically prepared to fit the nutritional need of each individual client.

We accomodate for food allergies, special diets, and food preferences including culturally preferred foods.


you can feel
good about.

Delicious & Nutritious

Nutricionist approved balanced meals.
Organic icon Organic options
Vegetarian & Vegan icon Vegetarian & Vegan options
Daily delivery icon Fresh meals delivered daily
Customizable food icon Customizable food preferences
Nutritionist approved balanced meal


Empire Meals on Wheels provide a variety of benefits, from convenience to cost-effectiveness to promoting healthy eating habits. Our services offer well-balanced, nutritious meals right to your doorstep, and our drivers provide friendly interaction and a sense of comfort. If you're looking for a way to ensure yourself or a loved one is getting the food they need, Empire Meals on Wheels food delivery could be an excellent option.


One of the greatest benefits of using our meal delivery service is that it's incredibly convenient. Our meal services deliver meals right to the your doorstep, so you don't need to go anywhere to buy groceries or stand in line at the checkout. This means that you can save time and energy while still enjoying nutritious meals.

Nutritious Meals

Our meal delivery services focus on providing healthy and well-balanced meals to you. These meals are tailored to fit specific dietary needs, so you can enjoy the meals without worrying about your nutritional intake. We offer various meal options, including meals that are low in sodium, high in protein, or low in carbs, vegetarian and vegan depending on your preferences.


Cooking for one person can be expensive, as many ingredients may only come in larger portions. Our meal delivery services provide portion-sized meals, meaning less waste and lower overall costs for you.


For seniors, those with disabilities and their families, a meal delivery service provides peace of mind knowing that their loved ones are receiving the nourishment they need. Families will feel reassured that their senior loved ones are eating well, even if they can't be there personally to provide meals for them.

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